
Our Purpose:

Water is frequently undervalued and wasted due to its perceived cheapness and abundance. Urban and agricultural runoff continue to contaminate our waterways, putting immense strain on our water resources and compromising their quality and productivity.

With our horticulture backgrounds and extensive agronomics experience, including agriculture, landscape, and golf, we have gained valuable insights during our years in municipal water conservation. This experience has provided us with the expertise to influence policy and manage programs, leading us to recognize the urgent need for innovative, environmentally friendly solutions.

Having identified overlooked opportunities for improvement in water-related markets, we have established an organization focused on pioneering simple, effective, and innovative environmental solutions pertaining to water, soil and air quality.

We are prepared to collaborate with and educate fellow environmental stewards in the market while furthering the efforts of those who have already embarked on the same path. Our unwavering commitment is to ensure a clean and safe environment for the next generation of environmental stewards…